really really trying to be smart with my recovery from Plantar Fasciitis. Trying not to do too much, do my "homework" exercises religiously, not run further then I'm supposed to....so what does my physical therapist go and do? He tells me that I have the green light to "run as far as I want as long as it feels good". This should be great news, but really, has he learned NOTHING about me in the last month and a half? Not giving me a structured plan means I will go
too far,
too fast and end up hurt again - I've proven before that I can't be trusted! He should know this! I DO know this! I told him that I needed a more specific plan to increase mileage to protect me from myself and we've agreed to increase in 1/2 mile increments and see how that goes. Whew! Me not making stupid running decisions crisis averted!
This morning I ran 3.5 - and it felt pretty good! I'm still taping my foot and need to warm it up before I run, but I do feel like it's getting there. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.
In other news we got our Christmas tree this weekend!
Searching for the perfect tree...
Tree lights from our front window - so pretty!
I love this time of year! Happy Wednesday!
wow!!! your tree set-up looks absolutely gorgeous! and i can totally relate to you. i practically called and begged a doctor to see me immediately back in march when my foot was bugging me because i knew if i had ANY time...i would just try to get in as many miles as possible. i dont think i can be trusted either ;) glad to hear that you are healing and you are taking care of that foot!
Good job on the tree! We still need to get ours. You can't be trusted:) Good job on being proactive with your doc.
Yay for the green light and smart of you to make him be more specific. I would want to do too much too.
Your tree looks beautiful!
We have a fake tree, which we haven't set up yet. We probably will do that this Sunday.
I'm glad that you are taking it slow and that you recognized that you can't "be trusted". I have been taking it easy too since I have peroneal tendonitis (not officially confirmed but I'm pretty sure that's what it is). I sometimes wish I had someone telling me to only run a specific number of miles, though!
Your tree looks so pretty!
Stay smart and keep up with those PF exercises!
Sorry about the injury. My mom in law is still struggling to recover from that too. Even after four injections...ugh! Get better soon!
Silly doctors, we're runners, we need structure! That is great news though, that he thinks you're doing that well
I am exactly the same way! I know that I will push too far too fast without a plan... good for you for speaking up! :)
Your tree looks so pretty!
I am awful at doing my doctors homework exercises and I realize that I wont get better unless I do but for some reason I still stink at it!
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